2 posts tagged America back to the Old World

Jailyn: A book that everyone should look into reading

The New American State tackles different topics about the American government and society while using other Western and non-Western governments and cultures to compare. Having been published in October of this year, this political work extends its commentary to Donald Trump’s presidency and their handling of COVID-19 as well as the presidential election of 2020. Reading this at the start of election week, might have been the best possible time, as Dimitar Avramov discusses historically what ...

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America – Back to the Old World?

The entire history of the American nation can be described by one phrase: “an aspiration for personal freedom and independence from the state.” Classical Americanism is a natural human aspiration that precedes the US Constitution. It is an expression of the will of the people to be left in peace to live their lives as freely as possible, without being stifled by the state.If there is a country whose name, when uttered, is the equivalent of “capitalism,” it is the United States. ...

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