21 posts by admin

Jailyn: A book that everyone should look into reading

The New American State tackles different topics about the American government and society while using other Western and non-Western governments and cultures to compare. Having been published in October of this year, this political work extends its commentary to Donald Trump’s presidency and their handling of COVID-19 as well as the presidential election of 2020. Reading this at the start of election week, might have been the best possible time, as Dimitar Avramov discusses historically what ...

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Ivan K: Very timely and a good read

"The New American State" is a book about tomorrow. It is very timely and relevant. It describes the changes in the political process in the American and other Western democracies and warns against the threat posed by the right-wing and left-wing populism. The author stresses that "The corporatization of the American economy is so advanced that it would be hard or even impossible for the government to stop it."There are three "essential political missions" for the U.S. society clearly ...

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Lilia K: A book for everyone who is interested in politics as a process

The New American State describes that "America is moving from broad-based party politics to identity politics”. The author explains how the "color of the skin, religion, ethnicity, social choice, gender, and even sexual and gender identity have turned into collective political statuses that are increasingly important in nominating political candidates."Here is one of the memorable quotes: "In the American democracy, participation in politics and the process of delegating power have traditi...

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A. Sheikh: Explains Political Process And What Is Ahead!

The book explains how the political process in America and other Western democracies change in the digital economy. The New American State is a state of identity politics, damaged capitalism, less personal freedoms. A very interesting book that describes negative trends in American form of government.Some quotes from The American New State:"In times of significant economic, social, and political upheavals, it is very likely for the role of the identity politics to increase. This will ...

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Man and the State in the Digital Economy

The digitalization of the economy has created a condition of statehood completely unknown thus far in human history. Internet services, the sector for creating and maintaining technological infrastructure, and digital products and services, including software-managed industries, have created a transnational economic environment. Nation-states increasingly have less control over economic processes and the economic activity of people in this global environment. Public institutions functioning in ...

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The New Realpolitik – America First: Shift in Balances or a New International Order?

I Sat up, strangely perplexed. For a moment, perhaps, I could not clearly understand how I came there. My terror had fallen from me like a garment. My hat had gone, and my collar had burst away from its fastener. A few minutes before, there had only been three real things before me-the immensity of the night and space and nature, my own feebleness and anguish, and the near approach of death.

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